EDUC 3013: School and SocietyTeacher Ethics Commentary Requirements and Rubric➢ Total % of final grade: 10➢ Details: 3-6 pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt Times New Roman, must usein-text citations and include a bibliography at the end of your paper in APA format (or theformat your discipline uses)➢ Due: Nov 5thPurpose of the assignment:For this assignment you will write a 3-page analytic “commentary” on the ethical case we read anddiscussed in class. A thoughtful response includes a careful analysis of the problem (what makes it adilemma? What values and principles are at stake?) and developing your own response to the problem,supported by arguments and relevant evidence from the case. Here, you should expect to draw onwhat you learned from the readings and class discussion, and to support your reasoning withrelevant facts of the case study and perspectives from the commentaries that support your points.As part of your commentary, please address the following three dimensions:1. Analyzing the central problem and the values at stake. What is the central dilemma in thiscase? Why is this a dilemma? What values or principles are at stake? Is there disagreementabout these values? Do they compete in some way? What practical and/or policyconsiderations are at stake? Is there disagreement about these? Do they compete in someway?2. Formulating possible responses, choices, actions. What the reasonable choices or lines ofaction might be available, and to whom? How does each of these choices frame and addressthe issues at stake? For each choice, what is gained and what is lost? Who should take action(or not)? What should they do? Why?3. What have you learned from this case that might apply elsewhere? What are the broaderlessons that we might take from this case for how you understand educational policies orpractices? Issues of educational equity and fairness? Other principles or values that mightguide the practice of teaching or the organization of schools?Ethics Commentary RubricTotal Points: /244: Excellent 3: Good 2: Fair 1: PoorIntroductionand centralargumentOffers a well-organized andthoughtful introduction to the essay.Clearly highlights essay’s organizationand main argument. Gives reasoningfor why position is taken. Integrates anddraws on some (a couple) sources fromclass reading and discussion.Clear thesis.Explains reasoningwhy position istaken.Clear thesis, but ratherobvious.Very difficult toidentify, unclear,or inappropriatefor assignmentAnalysis ofthe dilemmaand valuesat stakeOffers a careful, thorough and nuancedsummary of central dilemma of the caseand relevant details; clear analysis of thepotential value conflictsProvides a thoroughsummary of centraldilemma in case.Makes connectionsbetween case andpossible values.Basic summary ofdilemma of the case,some cursory mentionof values or ideas atplay.Weak and partialsummary;inadequatediscussion ofvalues.Develop aclearposition orargumentClear position on the circumstances ofthe case through well-developedarguments that are supported by carefulreasoning and evidence from the case.Defends positionthrough argumentsand evidence fromthe case. Explainswhy conclusions arereachedDefends position bymaking points ratherthan arguments.Doesn’t explain whyconclusions arereached.Argument isincoherent orlacking.Offerevidenceandreasoningfor claimsEvidence from case and othercommentaries used to supportarguments. Excellent integration ofquoted/paraphrased material intowriting. Anticipates and takes seriouslyobjections and/or alternative evidencethat might challenge thesis.Appropriateevidence used tosupport thesis and tobuttress mostarguments, goodintegration ofsources into writing.Anticipates but doesnot engageobjections and notesalternative evidence.Sometimes weak use ofevidence, inadequatelysupports thesis and/orsub-arguments, weakintegration ofquoted/paraphrasedmaterial into writing.Does not anticipateobjections oralternative evidence.Very weak use ofevidence, fails tosupport thesisand/orsub-arguments,very weakintegration ofmaterial intowritingOrganization and clarityCoherent and clear, all paragraphssupport position, each paragraphcumulatively builds case, each paragraphsupports its topic sentence, excellenttransitions. Clear writing.Mostly coherent,paragraphs generallysupports thesis (butmay notcumulatively buildcase), goodtransitions; fewunclear sentencesOften lacks coherence,mixed support forthesis, transitions oftenmissing or weak;informal language orunclear sentencesIncoherent, lackssupport forthesis, transitionsweak and oftenmissing,numerousunclearsentences
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