Thursday, October 17, 2019


PROJ6006_Assessment_04.Docx Page 1 of 6

ASSESSMENT BRIEF 01Subject Code and Title PROJ6006: Organisational Behaviour and PeopleManagementAssessment 01: Participation in DiscussionsIndividual/Group IndividualLength Approximately 250 words for the main post andminimum of 2 responses to other students.Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3Submission End of Module 2 and 3Weighting Module 2 = 10% and Module 3= 10%Total Marks 20 marks


  Students will practice professional communication with peersStudents will discuss Organisational Behaviour concepts, as they relate to ProjectManagement, in a group settingStudents will practice communication of personal perspectives on project case analysisand the development of project teams

By participating in discussion threads, students will practice the skill of professionalcommunication and thought sharing with colleagues. They will also have the opportunity toapply Organisational Behaviour theory to practical situations by discussing case studies andproject management scenarios applicable to the theories. In addition, participants cansynthesize lessons of the module by applying them to current or prior professionalexperiences.Instructions:To participate in the discussions, complete the required module readings and research prior toclass.Face-to-Face students will participate in the discussions, during class, in week 2 of Module 2 & 3.The main post will be written in class, the student will then write a minimum of 2 responses toother students posts.Online classes will submit their main post to the discussion board. The student’s ability to seeother student’s posts is activated only after they make their first post to the discussions.PROJ6006_Assessment_04.Docx Page 2 of 6Discussion 1: Shared Reflection/Discussions topic – Due end of module 2Through reflecting on the case study presented in module 1 learning resources, describe oneor more of the types of power, defined by Shenoy, which could be demonstrated positively ornegatively by the leader of the team. Further discuss how a project manager can use this typeof power to impact the performance of the project team and improve the likelihood ofproject success? What benefits can be gained from using more than one source of influencewhen leading a team? Is there a difference between influence and manipulation? Justify youranswer.Respond to at least two or more colleagues’ postings, offering further support or potentialchallenges to using the power types in a Project Management capacity.Discussion 2: Shared Reflection/Discussion topic – Due end of module 3What advantages are there to groups/teams comprised of members from around the globe?How would these advantages be different in complex projects? What challenges do youbelieve a PM will face in managing a project group over international boundaries? How canyou prepare for, or minimise these challenges?Respond to at least two or more colleagues’ postings, offering further support or potentialchallenges in globally located teams.Subject Learning Outcomes:• Critically analyse the use of ‘power’ in organisations to achieve project outcomes, themanagement of stakeholder objectives and the impact this has on the agency of projectteams.• Develop and apply a range of leadership and communication strategies to achieveproject success for all stakeholders.• Reflect on your performance as a project manager in a range of situations, drawing onfeedback from others in addition to progress against achievement of outcomes.Learning Rubrics

AssessmentAttributesFail (Unacceptable)(0-49%)Pass (Functional) (50-64%)Credit (Proficient)(65-74%)Distinction(Advanced) (75-84%)High Distinction(Exceptional) (85-100%)Issues and challenges onmanaging teams.15%Confuses logic andemotion.People managementinformation are takenfrom reliable sourcesbut without a coherentanalysis or synthesis.Lacks evidence from theview point of peoplemanagement experts.Resembles a recall orsummary of peoplemanagement andsystems, theirassociated risks andimplementationprocesses.Conflates/confusesassertion of personalopinion with peoplemanagement informationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch/coursematerials.Attempts to synthesisecitation from peoplemanagement sources.Viewpoints of peoplemanagement expertsare taken as fact withlittle questioning.Supports personalopinion with evidencefrom reliable peoplemanagement sources.Demonstrates a capacityto explain and applypeople managementconcepts, theirassociated risks andimplementationprocesses.Identifies logical flaws inthe evidence frompeople managementsources.Questions viewpoints ofpeople managementexperts.Discriminates betweenassertion of personalopinion and peoplemanagement sources.Capacity to explainand apply peoplemanagementconcepts, theirassociated risks andimplementationprocesses issupported by robustevidence fromresearch/coursematerials.Questions viewpointsof peoplemanagement experts.Analysis andevaluation reflectgrowing judgement,rigor and adaptability.Discriminates betweenassertion of personalopinion and peoplemanagement sourcessubstantiated by robustevidence from theresearch/course materials.Questions viewpoints ofpeople management expertsand offers critical analysisof information taken fromoutside sources.People managementinformation is taken fromsources with a high level ofinterpretation/evaluationto develop a comprehensivecritical analysis or synthesis.Identifies gaps inknowledge. Exhibitsintellectual independence,rigor, good judgement andadaptability.

High Level of personalautonomy andaccountability 15%Does not reflect uponown learning.Is unreliable and/oruntimely insuccessfullycompleting tasks.Blames others forinefficiencies andinaction.Reflects on ownbehaviour and impacton others, modifiesbehaviour whennecessary.Uses adequatereflection for ownlearning.Takes responsibilityfor own actions andcompletes tasksindependently ontime.Reflects on ownbehaviour and impacton others, modifiesbehaviour whennecessary.Uses reflection forown learning.Takes responsibilityfor own actions andcompletes tasksindependently ontime.Demonstratesresilience bybalancing prioritiesand managing time.Reflects andevaluates on ownbehaviour andimpact on others,modifies behaviourwhen necessary.Uses appropriatereflectivestrategies for ownlearning.Takes responsibilityfor own actionsand completestasksindependently ontime.Demonstratesresilience bybalancingcompetingpriorities,managing timeeffectively andovercomingobstacles.Critically Reflects andanalyses own behaviorand impact on others,modifies behaviour whennecessary.Applies critical reflectivepractice for own learning.Takes responsibility forown actions andcompletes tasksindependently on time.Demonstrates effectiveresilience strategies bybalancing competingpriorities, managing timeeffectively andovercoming obstacles.Sensitive to diverse andcomplex contexts.

Knowledge andunderstanding of themanagement ofstakeholderobjectives and theimpact this has on theagency of projectteams15%Shows limitedunderstanding of themanagement ofstakeholderobjectives and theimpact this has on theagency of projectteams.Does not address keycomponents ofstakeholderobjectives.Resembles a recall orsummary of key ideasabout stakeholderobjectives.Addresses the impactof stakeholderobjectives on projectteams.Demonstratesclearunderstanding of theconcept of agency.Supports personalopinion andinformationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch materials.Explains managementof stakeholderobjectives and appliesto the concept ofproject teams.Elaborates clearly therelationship betweenmanaging stakeholderobjectives and theagency of projectteams.Discriminatesbetween assertion ofpersonal opinion andinformationsubstantiated byrobust evidence fromthe researchmaterials.Critically discriminatesbetween stakeholderobjectives, theirmanagement, and theimpact these have onthe agency of projectteams.Supports personalopinion andinformation by robustevidence from theresearch materialsand extended reading.Analysis andapplication ofleadership andLimited synthesisand analysis ofcommunicationDemonstratesanalysis andsynthesis ofcommunicationWell-developedanalysis andsynthesis ofThoroughlydeveloped andcreative analysisandSophisticated and/orcreative analysis,

communicationstrategies forproject success15%strategies to achieveproject successand/or insufficientidentification ofstakeholders.Limited application/recommendationsfor leadershipstrategies to achieveproject success.strategies to achieveproject success.Appliesrecommendationsfor leadershipstrategies toachieve projectsuccess.Howeverinsufficientlyidentifies allstakeholders andtheir relation toproject success.communicationstrategies withapplication ofrecommendations toachieve projectsuccess linked toanalysis/synthesis.Appliesrecommendationsfor leadershipstrategies toachieve projectsuccess.Sufficientlyidentifiedstakeholders inrelation to theproject success.synthesis ofcommunicationand/or leadershipstrategies to achieveproject success.Well demonstratedidentification andanalysis ofstakeholders.synthesising newand existingknowledge ofcommunicationandleadershipstrategies to achieveproject success.Critically analysedrelationship ofstakeholders inrelation to projectsuccess.Recommendationsare clearly justifiedbased on theanalysis/synthesis ofproject success.Participation andcontribution15%Fails to participatein any discussion.Fails to add anycontribution to thepost of others.Rarely participatesin discussion forumsAdditions to thepost of others aresuperficial and lackinsight.Frequentlyparticipates indiscussions.Contributions to thepost of others showinsight and advancethe topic underdiscussion.Participates in alldiscussions.Contributions to thepost of others showinsight and adddepth to the topicunder discussion.Participates fullyand actively alldiscussions.Contributions to thepost of others showinsight and take thetopic underdiscussion into newdirections.

Gives constructivefeedback to peers15%Fails to offer anyfeedback.No support orencouragement topeers.No awareness orsensitivity todiversity amongstpeers.Offers feedback butrarely constructiveor useful.Feedback is notalways clear orspecific to guidepeers.Little support orencouragement topeers.Demonstrates littleawareness of and/orsensitivity todiversity amongstpeers.Offers feedback thatis sometimesconstructive oruseful.Feedback isprovided withexamples to guidepeers.Some support andencouragement topeers.Demonstrates somelevel of awarenessof and sensitivity todiversity amongstpeers.Offers constructivefeedback regularly.Formulates themerits of alternativeideas or proposalsand communicatesthem to peers.Offers support andencouragement topeers.Demonstrates ahigh level ofawareness of andsensitivity to diversityamongst peers.Always offersdetailedconstructivefeedback that isspecific andappropriate.Expertly articulatesthe merits ofalternative ideas orproposals andcommunicates themeffectively to peers.Provides expertassistance, support,and encouragementto peers.Consistentlydemonstrates a highlevel of awarenessof and sensitivity todiversity amongstpeers.

EffectiveCommunication 10%Difficult tounderstand foraudience, nological/clearstructure, poor flowof ideas, argumentlacks supportingevidence.No effort is made tokeep audienceengaged, audiencecannot follow theline of reasoning.Little use ofpresentation aids,or the presentationaids and materialused are irrelevant.Information,arguments andevidence arepresented in a waythat is not alwaysclear and logical.Attempts are madeto keep theaudience engaged,but not alwayssuccessful. Line ofreasoning is oftendifficult to follow.Presentation aidsare used more foreffect thanrelevance.Information,arguments andevidence are wellpresented, mostlyclear flow of ideasand arguments.The audience ismostly engaged,line of reasoning iseasy to follow.Effective use ofpresentation aids.Information,arguments andevidence are verywell presented, thepresentation islogical, clear andwell supported byevidence.Engages theaudience,demonstratescultural sensitivity.Carefully and wellpreparedpresentations aidsare used.Expertly presented;the presentation islogical, persuasive,and well supportedby evidence,demonstrating aclear flow of ideasand arguments.Engages andsustains audience’sinterest in the topic,demonstrates highlevels of culturalsensitivity
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