Friday, October 18, 2019

BSS508-6 | Report on a Contemporary External Strategic Environment | Management

What am I required to do in this assignment?Select an article published in a quality newspaper during the past month that can be identified as relating to a focused, contemporary external strategic environment (in nature this could be political, economic, demographic, social, technological, environmental, legal etc). Use this as the starting point for a strategic analysis of that identified environment, viewed from the perspective of two relevant organizations.  What are the strategic implications of what is being reported in the article? What is the wider context in terms of trends, drivers and prevalent discourse?  What are the considerations for the industry as a whole and the organizations you have selected to focus on?Compare and contrast the position of these two organizations in terms of the strategic environment and evaluate the opportunities and threats it presents.  What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)Collect and critically analyze, to an acceptable level, relevant data to identify and analyze the given strategic environment from the perspective of a real firm Select and apply relevant strategic frameworks or approaches to generate critical insights relevant to the organization. How do I produce high-quality work that merits a good grade?Justify the selection of the article and articulate clearly the strategic environment identified. Identify two relevant organizations from whose perspective the analysis can be conducted. Produce a professional and compelling evaluation of a contemporary external environment viewed from the perspective of two relevant organisations.  Students should select organisations that offer the prospect of insightful comparative analysis – perhaps the external environment presents contrasting challenges.  Assignments attracting the highest marks will be focused, analytical and evidenced thoroughly. Presented professionally, make sure your submission is discursive, and analytical throughout and draw on a good range of quality academic sources –  especially up to date academic journals – not spurious web-based sources. You should reference properly throughout.You will need to interpret the brief and remember that the work will help to inform your A2.  You will attract marks for good, critical analysis.  Make strategic judgments and produce a convincing case.  Organize your work and communicate professionally. Please ensure your submission is all your own work. Do not rely on internet searches.  Do not use ‘essay’ sites.In summary, to achieve the highest marks you will need to evaluate and critically analyze.  The assignment needs focus and to provide a clear narrative, which is argued and evidenced well.  It is not enough to present a series of facts, discoveries, and descriptions – however well researched.  Try to generate good academic discussion and avoid presenting findings as a series of bullet points.  You will need to go further than just describing what has been happening strategically. How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?The sessions are about thinking strategically and making strategic judgments about both the changing world around us and the capabilities of all sorts of organisations.    Let’s block ads! (Why?)

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Question 0 – Hello World!

Question 0 – Hello World!We’ve included a little “Hello
World!” example. There will be an accompanying video on Moodle (the link
will be posted on the forum as an announcement) which you can follow to
learn how to use this Jupyter Notebook.

Even if you’ve used
Jupyter before, it’s highly recommended that you watch the video and go
through this introductory exercise, because this assignment uses
auto-marking and requires you to follow a certain (straightforward)

Question 0.a – Saying Hello in MarkdownFor
this assignment, you will need to answer the questions in the “cells”
below each question. Some questions will require written work (which you
can either do on paper and scan, or do in the cell using Markdown), and
some will require R code (which you must do using R code in the
provided cells).

Watch through the video to see how this should be done.Question 0.b – Saying Hello in RYou
will need to write some R code in this assignment. In this section,
save a variable called “” (don’t include the quotes in the
variable name) and set it to the value “Hello World!”. Then run the cell
below the one you wrote your code in to verify that your answers have
been registered and given the correct variable names.

Like before, follow the video tutorial to see how this is done.Question 1 – ProbabilitiesSuppose
we are playing a simple collectable card game (e.g. like Hearthstone,
or Magic the Gathering). In this game, each player has a card deck which
contains 30 cards (with no duplicate cards). At the start of this game,
both players shuffle their decks. Then the player going first draws
five cards, and the player going second draws six cards. After this, the
game starts, and players alternate turns.

Each player draws an
additional card at the start of their turn. So, for example, after their
third turn player one should have drawn eight cards in total (the 5
cards they started with, plus another three cards over three turns).
Player two should have drawn nine cards in total after their third turn.

the following questions, suppose there is a special combination of five
cards, and if you have those five cards in your hand you instantly win
the game.

A bit of helpAs a little hint for some of the
questions below, you’re reminded that if you have some product n × (n
− 1)× (n − 2)× …× (n − k), we can express this as n!/(n − k
− 1)!. That is,

n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)…(n − k) =  (    1)!This is because we can think of the product n × (n − 1)× (n − 2)× …× (n − k) to be    , which isn × (n    1)× (n    2)× …× 2 × 1, but with the last (n-k-1) parts removed. Because this is a multiplication of−    −terms, we can think of removing terms as the same as dividing by them, meaning that

n × (n − 1)× (n − 2)× …× 2 × 1            n × (n − 1)× (n − 2)× …× (n − k) =  (    1)(    2)…(2)(1)  =  (    1)!

Question 1.aWhat
is the probability that the first player will draw this combination on
their first turn and win the game immediately? What about the second

Question 1.bWhat is the probability that the
five cards required for victory are all at the bottom of a player’s deck
(i.e. they are the last five cards in their deck)?

Question 1.cSuppose
a player has drawn 15 cards from their deck. What is the probability
that all of the cards in the winning combination are still in their

Question 1.dSuppose a player has drawn cards
from their deck, where is between 0 and 30. What is the probability that
all of the cards in the winning combination is still in their deck
(i.e. that they have not drawn any piece of the winning combination yet)
in terms of ?

Question 2 – PDFs and ExpectationsSuppose we have defined a probability density function for a random variable    as follows:

        2    0 ≤ x ≤ α    p(x) =    Notice that our PDF has two constants,    and    .   is a parameter, and  is a coefficient which we will carefullychoose so the integral of   2 between    and    (with respect to  ) is equal to  .

Question 2.aSuppose    . Find the value of  which would cause the integral of p(x) from 0 to   with respect to x to beequal to    . That is, find  such that    1    c 2 dx = 1    0

Question 2.bFind
the value of for a general value of That is, find such that (you can do
this in a way similar to how you answered question 2.a).

αc 2 dx = 1Question 2.cSuppose    = 3 and    = 1. Find E(X ), the expected value of our variable    .

Question 2.dSuppose    = 3 and    = 1. Find Var(X ), the variance of our variable    .

Question 3 – DistributionsSuppose we are given the following information:You
are modelling the number of people visiting a particular doctor’s
office within a day, with the hope of identifying a disease outbreak in
the local area of the doctor

It is known that, on an average day, 30 patients will see this doctor, with a standard deviation of 3 patients per day

Question 3.aDescribe
a model you might use to model the number of patients on a given day
(there might be more than one choice, so pick one and justify it). Also
give the parameters of this model based on the given information.

Question 3.bOn
one particular day, 45 patients visit the doctor. Considering the model
you developed in your answer to the previous question, do you think
that this number of patients in a given day is cause for alarm? Use
calculations to back up your answer by determining the probability of
seeing 45 or more patients in a given day.

Question 4 – Maximum Likelihood Estimation of ParametersSuppose
we are developing a new plant treatment which will (hopefully) improve
crop yields. We have a dataset which contains weights for two candidate
treatments, as well as a control group (which receives neither of the
candidate treatments).

Question 4.aSuppose we want to
create models for the weight of each group. You think a normal
distribution would be suitable for this purpose, but a colleague has
suggested that you should use a binomial distribution instead. Someone
else proposed using a uniform distribution instead.

For both the binomial and uniform distributions, explain whether they would be a good choice (justifying your answer).

Also justify why using the normal distribution is a good choice here.

Question 4.bSuppose,
rather than modelling the weights directly, we instead want to model
the probability that a plant will grow to weigh over 6 units of weight,
for each of the three treatments we are testing (treatments 1 and 2, and
the control). Suggest a model that would be suitable for this purpose,
and justify your choice.

Question 4.cAfter considering
our answers to questions 4.a and 4.b, we have decided to model the
weights directly (i.e. we will use the model discussed in question 4.a,
not 4.b). To do this, we will create three models: one for each of the
three groups. We will use normal distributions to model each of the
three groups, and then compare the estimated means of each group.

now have to decide how we will calculate our estimates of the mean (μ)
and standard deviation ( ) of each of our datasets. One approach is to
use the maximum likelihood method, where we wish to maximize the
likelihood of the data given the parameters μ and (that is, we wish to
find the values of μ and which cause P(x μ,σ) to be maximized). Note
that maximizing something is the same as maximizing the log of that
thing, because log (for any base) is “monotonically increasing”- that
is, if    , log(a) > log(b). We’re actually going to maximize the
log-likelihood below.   

A colleague of yours seems to think
that maximizing the log-likelihood is the same as minimizing the mean
absolute error. Another colleague disagrees, saying that they are
misremembering and the likelihood is the same as minimizing the mean
squared error. Yet another colleague seems to believe that we minimize
the negative log-likelihood by minimizing the log-cosh loss (since they
both have the word “log” in them; you are not convinced by this

Question 4.dOne of your colleagues in
Question 4.c is correct; which one does it appear to be based on our
calculations in the previous question? Prove this colleague correct
using algebra (you only have to prove them correct; you don’t have to
disprove the other two).Question 4.eGiven your
maximum likelihood estimates for the mean of each population (and
keeping in mind that we have a very small number of samples for each
group), which treatment appears to work best?

Question 5 – Central Limit TheoremSuppose
our company is trialling a new production method for phone cases, based
on 3D printing. 3D printing can a volatile process, and the company has
decided to accept the fact that there will be a certain proportion of
failures out of the total number of 3D prints.

However, before
committing to the new process, management would like to estimate the
probability of failure by printing a number of phone cases. They have
asked you how many cases they should print to ensure they have a
reasonably good idea of the probability of failure.

The engineers
developing the new production method assure management that the
probability of failure is somewhere between 1% and 20%, but they are
unwilling to make any guarantees beyond this without testing the method

Question 5.aWe will model this problem with a
binomial distribution. Justify why the binomial distribution is a good
choice for this problem.

Question 5.bSuppose that we are considering three potential failure probabilities:

also are considering three potential sizes for our test production run
(i.e. the number of phone cases we will print in our test run):

each combination of failure probability and number of cases printed,
calculate the limiting distribution for the sample mean. You should
calculate 9 limiting distributions in total

For this question, do this using written calculations (i.e. not using R) and with the Central Limit Theorem.

Question 5.cVerify the results you obtained by hand in the previous question using R code.

Question 5.dFor
each of the sample sizes and potential failure probabilities listed
above, we now know the theoretical distribution by the Central Limit
Theorem (we calculated this in Questions 6.b and 6.c). However,
management is still not convinced and have asked us to develop a
simulation which will experimentally demonstrate our calculations were

R has a built-in function called rbinom, which takes
three arguments (the number of simulations you want to run, the number
of trials per simulation, and the probability of success for each
trial). Hint: you are allowed to use the rbinom function, although you
don’t have to.

Question 5.eWe’re presenting our
findings to management; they have asked us to provide visualisations for
our results. For each failure probability discussed above (0.01, 0.05
and 0.2) and for each potential sample size discussed above (50, 200,
and 800), produce a histogram plot of the maximum likelihood estimates
of the failure probability (calculated 50,000 times through 50,000

Question 5.fManagement has asked us
recommend how many tests they should run. Based on all the information
we have computed, do you recommend 50, 200, 800, or even more tests than
that? Justify your answer using relevant calculations and/or by
referring to the above plots.

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study of diseases and disorders

In 400 wordsPathophysiology is the study of diseases and disorders. Pathophysiology studies the disorders that the organism has because of the alterations in the normal working of each one of the organs and systems in the organism.Describe the importance of a strong knowledge base of developmental physiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and etiology of an altered physical, psychological, or psychiatric disease state.Support your response with at least 2 APA-cited scholarly references. One of the references must include UpToDate.
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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Just need to do the highlighted three short answer question and references not required. BIOL2044 Human Physiology 2: Body Systems Blood/immunity practical/workshop: Blood typing and haematocrit Learning…

Recent Question/Assignment Just need to do the highlighted three short answer question and references not required. BIOL2044 Human Physiology 2: Body Systems Blood/immunity practical/workshop: Blood typing and haematocrit Learning objectives At the end of this session and the accompanying lectures, students should be able to: • Define haematocrit and explain the factors that regulate erythrocyte production. • Explain the physiological basis of the ABO and RhD blood groups. • Describe the principles of blood typing, and explain why blood typing is important in blood transfusions. Pre-practical preparation Before coming to the practical please read these practical notes and the recommended sections of the prescribed textbook (Silverthorn’s Human Physiology 7th edition: pg 535 – 47 [elements of blood] and 801 – 802 [blood group and typing]). Based on your readings, please complete the tables below. Table 1: Pre-practical preparation for Activity 1 & 2. Provide a brief (1 – 2 sentences) description for each of the following. Term Definition erythrocyte leukocyte haemoglobin haematopoiesis erythropoietin haematocrit mean corpuscular volume antigen antibody agglutination Table 2: Pre-practical preparation for Activity 2. Complete the table, identifying the red blood cell antigens and plasma antibodies that will be present in each of the ABO blood groups ABO blood group RBC antigens Plasma antibodies A B AB O Practical class learning activities There are two main learning activities: the first focuses on factors that regulate red blood cell production, whilst the second explores blood groups and blood typing. For each task, work through the questions and activities in order, asking the teaching staff for assistance where necessary. Activity 1 – Blood and blood cell production Background Blood is approximately 8% of body weight. The average volume of blood in healthy adult males is 5-6 L, which is more than that seen in healthy adult females (4-5 L). Whole blood consists of two components – a fluid part, called plasma (~55% by volume), and a solid part, called the formed elements (~45% by volume). These formed elements are the living blood cells (eg. erythrocytes or red blood cells [RBC], leukocytes or white blood cells [WBC], and platelets) suspended in the plasma. The leukocytes are further subdivided into granulocytes (basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils), lymphocytes and monocytes. Blood is transported around the body by the circulatory system. The main blood vessels responsible for carrying blood around the body are the arteries (which generally carry oxygenated blood) and veins (which generally carry deoxygenated blood). The normal pH range of blood is 7.35 – 7.45. Some of the major functions of blood include: (1) Distribution of oxygen and nutrients to all cells; (2) Removal of excretory wastes from cells; (3) Regulation of body temperature, pH and fluid volume; and (4) Protection (eg. blood clotting, antibodies). Erythrocytes are anucleate (lacking a nucleus) and have a concave shape that allows them to travel freely through the circulatory system. The main protein found in these cells is haemoglobin that carries O2 and CO2 around the body. Haemoglobin is composed of two parts – haem (~4% weight comprised of iron and porphyrin) and globin (a protein that comprises ~96% of haemoglobin weight). The formation of blood cells is called haematopoiesis and occurs in the bone marrow. All formed elements in the blood originate from a progenitor haematopoietic stem cell. The process of erythrocyte (RBC) formation is called erythropoiesis. The production of RBCs is primarily regulated by the hormone erythropoietin. The synthesis and release of erythropoietin is stimulated by hypoxia (low oxygen levels). Anaemias can can be characterised by low haemoglobin concentration, red cell count, and haematocrit, may represent acute or chronic blood loss, excessive haemolysis, or deficient blood production. The haematocrit is a measurement of the concentration of erythrocytes in the total volume of blood. It is expressed as the percentage of erythrocytes in the total blood volume and may also be called the packed cell volume (PCV). Learning activities & discussion questions 1. What does haematocrit measure? a) What sort of situations would lead to an increase in haematocrit? b) What sort of situations would lead to a decrease in haematocrit? 2. Janet is a healthy 42 year old female who has been on a 2 month holiday in Nepal, where she trekked to Everest base camp. Two days after her return, she is sent for a complete blood count. Identify what sort of changes you would expect to see in each of the following parameters, and explain your reasoning. o Haematocrit o RBC count o WBC count o Mean corpuscular volume 3. Scientists have developed a synthetic version of erythropoietin using recombinant DNA technology, and this product is currently in clinical use. a) What is erythropoietin? b) What clinical conditions might be treated with erythropoietin? 4. In sports, erythropoietin is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency because it is a performance-enhancing drug. a) How would erythropoietin enhance sporting performance? b) What type of athletes would be most likely to see performance-enhancing effects with erythropoietin? c) Misuse of erythropoietin increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. Why is this the case? Activity 2 – Blood groups and blood typing Background Red blood cells have a range of different cell surface markers or antigens. There are over 30 different groups of RBC antigens, and the presence or absence of these different antigens are what determines an individual’s blood group. Two important groups of antigens are the ABO blood group antigens and the Rhesus (Rh) antigens. The ABO antigens are based on two cell surface antigens found on erythrocytes, A and B. These antigens are genetically inherited, so an individual may have antigen A, antigen B, both antigens (blood group AB), or neither antigen (blood group O). The plasma can also contain antibodies (or agglutinins) to the antigens found on the erythrocytes. These antibodies will be formed against the ABO antigens that are NOT present on a person’s RBCs. If these antibodies come into contact with their corresponding antigen, they can cause agglutination and destruction of the RBCs. Blood typing is therefore critical for blood transfusions, to ensure that transfusion reactions do not occur. In blood typing for ABO groups, antisera containing anti-A and anti-B antibodies are added to blood samples. If the RBCs in the blood sample contain the corresponding antigen, agglutination of the cells will visible. Another important system is the Rhesus system (Rh). There are many different Rh group antigens, however the RhD antigen is what we are usually referring to when we talk about an individual being ‘Rh-positive’ or ‘Rh-negative’. Unlike the ABO system, there is no pre-formed Anti-D antibody found in the blood. However, a RhD-negative person can make Anti-D antibodies following exposure to RhDpositive blood. Differences in the Rh D antigen status between mother and child can lead to hemolytic disease of the newborn. This condition can occur when a pregnant RhD- female has a baby which has inherited RhD+ blood from its father. If the mother has been previously exposed to RhD+ blood (such as during a previous pregnancy with a RhD+ foetus), this can activate the mothers immune system and lead to the formation of RhD antibodies in the mother. If the mother has a subsequent pregnancy with a RhD+ foetus, the maternal RhD antibodies can attack the developing foetus. The mothers antibodies bind to the foetal erythrocytes and haemolyse them. In some cases this can cause the death of the foetus depending on the intensity of the immune response. RhD- mothers who have had an RhD+ pregnancy are given an injection of the drug Rho-GAM after delivery. This prevents the mother from making antibodies against RhD+ blood, thereby preventing an immune attack against a future RhD+ foetus. 1. Look at the images provided in the practical class. For each example: o Identify the RBC antigens and antibodies that will be present in the blood sample o Identify the blood group of that individual Sample Blood group RBC antigens Antibodies 1 2 3 4 2. What would happen if a person with type O blood receives a whole blood transfusion from a type B donor? 3. What would happen if a person with type AB blood receives a transfusion of red blood cells from a type B donor? 4. Blood donors with O negative type blood are sometimes referred to as ‘universal donors’. Why is this? 5. What determines whether an individual is RhD-positive or RhD-negative? 6. Why is the Rh status of both mother and child particularly important in pregnant women? 7. Looking back at your answers to question 1, identify which blood groups each person could donate blood to, and which blood groups they could receive blood from. Sample Blood group Could donate to Could receive from 1 2 3 4 To help you with this there is an online blood typing game to reinforce your understanding of blood groups and blood typing. Select ‘quick game – random patients’ if you do not want to register. Questions for online practical submission SAQ 1. Nick Jones is an RMIT student who is taking a ‘gap year’, and spends 6 months living at altidtude in the Andes in South America. Whilst living in the Andes, his haematocrit increases. Explain why his haematocrit has increased, and the physiological mechanisms that are responsible this increase in haematocrit. (2 marks) SAQ 2. Jane Smith is a RhD-negative mother who is 28 weeks into her second pregnancy with a RhD-positive foetus. Jane has her blood tested as part of her routine ante-natal care, and is found to have antibodies to RhD. Explain the most likely reason for why Jane Smith has antibodies to RhD in her blood. (1 mark) SAQ 3. The following table shows the blood typing observations for two different patients. For each patient, identify their blood group (both ABO and RhD), and briefly explain your reasoning for each patient. (2 marks) Patient Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D Patient Jones Agglutination No agglutination Agglutination Patient Smith Agglutination Agglutination No agglutination Let’s block ads! (Why?)

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I want everything according to the pdf file attached.

Recent Question/Assignment I want everything according to the pdf file attached. Assessment 3 Case Study Analysis Essay Assessment Description Case Study Analysis Essay Value 60% Team or Individual Individual assessment Format Length: 2000 words (plus or minus 10%). Word (or similar) digital document. The document should be formatted with 1.5 line spacing. Due Date and time Week 13 Monday 28th October, 2019 at 0900 How to Submit Electronically via Blackboard Assessment 3 folder Learning Outcomes 1-6 Professional Competencies N/A Marking Criteria Please refer to Blackboard Assessment Assessment 2 Marking Guidelines/Rubric Feedback Feedback results available via Blackboard My Grades The case study: Elenor is a 16 year old who attended the rural accident and emergency department (ED) complaining of lower abdominal pain. Accompanied by her mother, Elenor was initially triaged by the registered nurse (RN), who recorded her vital signs, which were within normal parameters, and a pain score of 3 out of 10. The RN also tested her urine and no abnormalities were detected, hence, Elenor was asked to sit in the waiting room with her mother until she could be seen by a medical officer. At that point a number of people were admitted to the ED as a result of being injured in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) involving a number of cars and a motorcyclist, therefore Elenor was kept waiting. The motorcyclist had major head, leg and chest injuries whilst the other patients had a number of significant but not so critical injuries. Elenor and her mother were informed by the nurse of the accident and that there may be a delay but they also noticed how short staffed the department appeared to be, therefore did not want to complain. Elenor was called through to the treatment area of the ED four hours after her initial presentation, where a doctor commenced her examination. By this time her pain score had increased to 5 out of 10, and her vital signs were indicative of her discomfort. Prior to completing his examination the doctor was called to attend to one of the patients in the MVA who was deteriorating. Unfortunately, the cause of Elenor’s abdominal pain at this point was unknown but as he left the doctor ordered her to be kept nil by mouth (NbM), to have intravenous (IV) fluids, pain relief and a full blood count. The RN explained the treatment and the plan of care in full to Elenor and her mother, following which she commenced IV fluids and organised for a full blood count to be done along with continued monitoring of Elenor’s vital signs. However, Eleanor declined pain relief advising that she may be pregnant and that she did not want her mother to know. The nurse did however, inform the doctor who ordered an urgent ultrasound scan, confirming pregnancy but no fetal heartbeat. Elenor subsequently haemorrhaged heavily vaginally, and the doctor ordered more blood specimens for haemoglobin (HB) group and hold in preparation for surgery to evacuate the remaining uterine contents, at which time her mother advised that she and Elenor were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Consent for surgery was gained but on the way to the operating theatre Elenor stated that she was happy to consent to receive blood products if necessary and the doctor was informed. During the operation Elenor lost a significant amount of blood and the doctor ordered a blood transfusion to save her life. In theatre, nursing staff assisted the doctor to complete the blood transfusion. Following the procedure, Elenor was transferred to recovery area and then to a ward. Her mother was angry and aggressive towards the nurses when she discovered that her daughter had a blood transfusion in progress. Case study analysis assignment brief: The case study analysis essay word limit is 2000 (plus or minus 10% as per the School of Nursing & Midwifery Undergraduate Assignment Guidelines). All words are calculated towards the word limit except for the title page, direct quotes and end-text references. If you write less or more than this, penalties will apply. If you write less, it is unlikely you will have covered all aspects of the assignment. The assignment brief is structured under the same headings as the marking rubric, please consider both documents carefully as you construct your essay. This assignment has a weighting of 60%. The assignment worth 60% will be marked using the School of Nursing and Midwifery standard marking rubric, which you will find on the unit Blackboard site. Please read each criterion carefully and reflect the positive criteria in your essay. Content You need to consider: The legal and ethical concerns that the situation in the case study raises. Apply all the relevant unit content throughout the essay. The possible actions (or inactions/omissions) that could be taken and the implications of those actions (or omissions). You do not need to provide the ‘right’ answers, what you will be assessed on is your ability to determine the implications of different actions or inactions from a legal and ethical perspective. Think of the possible courses of action, and inaction that could be taken, and then consider, do any ethical theories support (or not) the actions that you discuss? Which ethical principles, doctrines or concepts apply to the actions/inactions put forward and if so, how? Consider the application of professional codes of conduct and ethics Do any of the ethical principles conflict with each other or with the law? Which torts or other legal concerns apply to your suggested actions/inactions? Structure & presentation There is no need for headings, the paper should flow in one long sequence. You need to address the possible actions / inactions in a logical piece of writing that shows the possible implications of these two different pathways of care / omission of care. The main part of the assessment is that each of those areas (ethics and law) contains appropriate material. The main body should contain a logical and cohesive development of ideas and your ability to sustain logical arguments will be assessed. Your conclusion should provide a summation of the key points of the work. Full sentence structure is required. Do not rewrite the case study. Apply ethical theories concepts and principles to parts of the case study throughout your work It is recommended that you use the ethical decision making model discussed in the unit content. Application of critical thinking You will be assessed on your ability to consider the implications of the suggested actions/inactions and the application of theory to practice. You will also be assessed on your ability to support the arguments you put forward with evidence from appropriate literature. There is a minimum of 10 references required, although you should read widely and incorporate that reading into your assignment – the more references, the better! The more you read, the more evidence you will find to weave into your essay. References for this essay should be within 5 years of publication – unless it is sentinel work. Do not leave areas in your work that are unsupported by evidence. Each paragraph should include a reference. Check the similarity report and ensure that you have paraphrased information and provided a reference. Referencing You must comply with the ECU SNM assignment writing guidelines, follow these specific assignment instructions and use the ECU referencing guide to ensure all in-text and end-text references are correct. Please use the School of Nursing and Midwifery Assignment Guidelines and the ECU Referencing Guide to present your work. There is no excuse for deviating from these guidelines as they are available through several links, here, in the unit guide and on the Blackboard site. If you are unsure about referencing, see the Learning Consultant early in the semester. English language proficiency (ELP) As with all written assignment work that you undertake at ECU, you will be assessed for ELP within this assignment. NCS3203 is not a prescribed unit for ELP, so the weighting against this criterion is not as high as in the prescribed units. However, you should make every effort to ensure that you pay close attention to the construction of sentences, ensuring spelling, grammar and syntax are correct. Poor writing will detract from the content of the essay if you are unable to articulate the true meaning you are trying to put across and this will make you lose valuable marks. ** If you are at all concerned about your written work, please see the learning adviser early in the semester. General instructions for the assignment: Please note your submission date, as detailed in your unit guide. You are strongly advised not to leave your submissions until the last day, rather you work on your assessments enabling you to focus on your studies whilst working around any practicum or personal commitments or other units, you will have two attempts to submit the essay assessment component through Turnitin, enabling you to review the similarity report. Remember, it can take up to 24 hours to generate this report. The case study must be presented in accordance with the ECU School of Nursing & Midwifery Undergraduate Assignment Guidelines (available on Blackboard). Students can submit their written paper to Turnitin at any time during the semester but no later than assignment submission deadline that is stated within the unit plan. Keep your Turnitin receipt as evidence of submission. If you submit your case study late, 5% will be deducted for each day the assignment is late for up to seven days (including the weekends) after the due date, at which point a mark of zero will be assigned. If a student wishes to apply for an extension from the Unit Coordinator, they are required to do so prior to the due date, in writing, using the correct ECU form for requesting extensions, stating the grounds for the extension request and any evidence to support the extension (eg. a medical certificate. Examples in unit plan). Let’s block ads! (Why?)

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Title of projectThis should be a clear description of your proposed research project.Background and context of projectThis section should explain the background and context of the proposed research work…

Recent Question/Assignment Title of projectThis should be a clear description of your proposed research project.Background and context of projectThis section should explain the background and context of the proposed research work with an indication of the main contribution to knowledge which you wish to make. Indicate why this area is an important area for research.Aims and objectivesThis section should spell out three or four aims/objectives for your research to show what you want to achieve.Literature reviewThis section is a review of the literature which should outline the most important research that has already been carried out in your research area.Research methodologyThis section is a broad outline of the methodology you plan to use including:• the broad approach?—?qualitative, quantitative etc• how data/information will be generated and gathered and how you expect to deal with and analyse that data• Indication of any broad theoretical framework you may be using• ethical considerations where the research involves interaction with humans or animals and where applicable, how consent would be obtained.Resources requiredThis section outlines the resources required for the project.Research plan and timetableThis section should summarise the steps and approximate timing within a four-week schedule.ReferencesThis section is a list of all the references that have been referred to in the proposal. Let’s block ads! (Why?)

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Research report. A university in America wants to build a campus in Japan

Research report. A university in America wants to build a campus in Japan. Do Japan value education? What’s Japan’s cultural sensitivity? What’s Japan’s business etiquette? Provide sources and citations for each.
Provide pictures, citations, and primary sources. Make sure you emphasize how it’ll benefit an American university.
Double spaced 6 pages INCLUDING REFERENCE/TITLE pages and including PICTURES . So actual text will be closer to 2-3 pages (at least 2 or 3 paragraphs for each question) . For the “American School” use FDU.
For each of the 3 questions you can add TWO pictures.
Make sure the material you write connects to why it would either be beneficial or not beneficial for FDU to build a college campus in Japan based on the three topic questions.

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